I wish I could say I was a huge fan of Shakespeare plays, but it wasn't my favorite. For old times' sake, lets go back to high school English for a moment.
Julius Caesar Act 1, scene 2, 15-19
Caesar: Who is it in the press that calls on me?
I hear a tongue shriller than all the music
Cry "Caesar!" Speak, Caesar is turn'd to hear.
Soothsayer: Beware the ides of March.
Caesar: What man is that?
Brutus: A soothsayer bids you beware the ides of March.
Caesar was warned not to go to the Theater of Pompey for a Senate meeting, but he went anyway. And [spoiler alert in case you never read the play], he was assassinated. His final words to his friend Brutus, "Et tu, Brute?" reveal the terrible betrayal of a friend.The situation beckons a classic, "I told you so," but really, are we much different? It seems we often learn the hard way too. A friend cautions against making a huge relationship mistake, but we have to go there anyway. We know that a decision goes completely contrary to the Bible, but that doesn't stop us. The boss says, "If you're late one more time, you're fired," and a week later, we lose track of time and show up late again.
Whatever the situation, there's likely some kind of warning. If not from an external source, that little voice we call a conscience speaks up.
What's your Ides of March? What warning have you ignored against better judgement? Your March 16 could be a lot better than Julius Caesar's!