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Pursuing Your Dream

Do you have a dream that you have tucked away somewhere? Not a nightmare. A daydream. The kind of dream that begins with, "If only I could..."

Perhaps you're living your dream and making it happen. But what if your dream is forgotten somewhere in the back of your memory? I'm talking about the dream you haven't given permission to flourish. The one you pushed away because you were sure it was too late. What would it take to make it happen? What's stopping you from doing that?

I've met people who talk about a dream for years. But that's the problem. They just talk about it. They never figure out how to make it happen. Reaching your goal isn't going to to happen by chance. It takes action.  Fulfilling a dream means doing something, and it begins with one step. Then another. And another.

What is your dream? What have you always wanted to do? I'd love to hear about it in the comments below. Here's a great place to begin thinking about your dream (fill in the blanks): 
  1. I have always wanted to __________________________. 
  2. ______________________ stands in the way of making that happen.
  3. If I'm going to fulfill my dream, I need to __________________________.
  4. The first step I could take towards reaching my goal is ________________. 

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