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The Need to be Creative

This summer, my time has not worked out as I expected it would. Commitments turned into something bigger than expected, obligations overtook my free time, and everyday life usurped the relax time I anticipated. Lately, I've been starved for some creativity time. At the moment, I'm counting down the days to when the guys are all away and I have the house to myself for a whole week. I know I'll be devoting a good part of that week to creative pursuits.

If you're a creative person, have you ever wondered why you get that hunger to create something? Some people get the itch to travel, others can't wait to go for jog around the lake (though I have to wonder what possesses them to crave that), and others can't wait to get to the cabin for a weekend. But I crave time with my sewing machine or time with a stack of colored pencils and paper. It's one of the things that replenishes my emotional bank.

What do you enjoy doing that helps you to relax and satisfies an emotional need for creativity? How do you balance creative time and everyday obligations? Share your comments below.

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