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Decisions, Decisions

I wouldn't trade places with my son for anything. That would mean I'd be trying to decide where to go to college and what to do with my life. Although he can do whatever he wants, every option has it's pros and cons. And every options is equally appealing. 

This past week, my son and I went on an overnight college visit, met with professors and admissions people, and came away with many confirmations, but just as many new questions. Making decisions can be tough! But as I think about how wonderful it would be to be carefree, able to study and read without family responsibilities, and hindered only by time and finances, something inside me wonders if maybe I would trade places with him. But only for a week or so.

At least I've already figured out what I want to be when I grow up. For the most part, at least. 

Are you facing a decision that affects the rest of your life? Maybe you have too many good options and no clear direction. What do you do when you're wrestling with a big decision? What would you tell an 18-year-old who wishes someone else could just make the decision for him?

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