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Facing the Day with Realistic Expectations

Do you have days where you just want to stay in bed and read a book? I do! Don't worry, I'm not depressed. It's just that sometimes, I lie there thinking about my to-do list for the day and I don't want to face it. It's overwhelming and I'd rather avoid it all.

This morning, I came back to my room to make the bed, and there was the book I'd read before forcing myself to climb out, and the light was still on...beckoning me to slip back beneath the covers. I resisted, and here I am, at my desk getting going on the list. I posted a guest blog last week about being paralyzed by expectations. If you've ever felt overwhelmed by what others expect from you, I encourage you to check out Kathy Carlton Willis's I'm Living Out Loud blog. And be sure to read my guest post Paralyzed by Expectations.

Knowing God, Knowing Myself: An Invitation to Daily DiscoveryI'm tackling the list one thing at a time today and I'm trying to keep my expectations realistic. Oh, and that book I was reading this morning...Knowing God Knowing Myself by Cecil Murphey encouraged me too. In each chapter, he address one aphorism (succinct statements that express things he has learned or wants to learn). In one chapter, Cec talks about his to-do list and the aphorism of the day is "Today I have time to do everything I need to do today." In other words, he reminds himself that he only needs to focus on today and not worry about what he can't get done.
Thanks for the reminder, Cec. I needed that.

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