I'd like to share a little about a book by Rhonda Rhea that I just finished reading. It's called How Many Lightbulbs Does it Take to Change a Person?
My Review
Scripture is full of references to light. But how often do we stop to think about what God means when he talks about light? In How Many Lightbulbs Does it Take to Change a Person?, author Rhonda Rhea shares lightbulb moments—those times when truth from scripture clicks with our reality and we "get it." Chock full of lighthearted stories alongside biblical wisdom, this book is the perfect combination for the soul seeking encouragement as well as enlightenment.
Rhea uses fun plays on words (such as the chapter title "Watt in the World?) that tie into the concept of light, making this a creative and fun book. Yet, it's a serious look at what the Bible says about light. God is called light, Jesus is called light, and we are called light too. So how can we live in the light? Rhea helps the reader plug into the power of God and live in such a way that we stand out from the darkness in the world around us.
As an author, Rhonda Rhea has personality. She has a way with stories and words that make the lesson come alive without it being dry an academic. I enjoyed the book and I recommend it to anyone needing a fresh perspective and spiritual encouragement. Her wit and humor had me engaged from page one.
Each chapter ends with what Rhea calls "A Little Extra Light for the Path," which is an excerpt from scripture. There is also a section at the back of the book for anyone using it for group discussion. The leader's guide gives suggestions for how to make it work with a group, and suggested weekly homework. The chapters are short, so it would work for a daily meditation if the reader also studied some of the scriptures mentioned in each chapter in more depth.
Also available in Kindle version.
About Rhonda
Rhonda Rhea (pronounced RAY) is a pastor’s wife and mother of five. She is a radio personality living in the St. Louis area. In addition to regular radio features, Rhonda also appears on radio and TV programs throughout the country, as well as enjoying many appearances on Focus on the Family’s “Weekend Magazine” radio program.
Rhonda is a humor columnist for publications in the US and Canada. She has written hundreds of columns and articles for great publications such as Today’s Christian Woman, Christian Parenting Today, Marriage Partnership, SBC LIFE, HomeLife, ParentLife and dozens more. She is the author of eight books:
- How Many Lightbulbs Does It Take to Change a Person?—Bright Ideas for Delightful Transformation
- Whatsoever Things Are Lovely—Must-Have Accessories for God’s Perfect Peace
- The Purse-uit of Holiness—Learning to Imitate the Master Designer
- High Heels in High Places—Walking Worthy in Way Cute Shoes
- I’m Dreaming of Some White Chocolate—Christmas Reflections with a Little Holly and a Lot of Jolly
- Who Put the Cat in the Fridge?—Serving Up Hope and Hilarity Family Style
- Turkey Soup for the Soul—Tastes Just Like Chicken
- Amusing Grace—Hilarity and Hope in the Everyday Calamity of Motherhood
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